Done Installing Termite Baiting System In A House
Done installing Termite Baiting System in a house 🏡
🥸we’re constantly dealing with people who try to take short cuts when it comes to getting rid of termites. From diesel fuel, to fly spray and vinegar, we've seen it all. What people don't realise is that none of these DIY treatments ever work and making the situation worse.
🤩Suria Pest Control Sdn Bhd have been operating in the pest control industry for more than two decade and in that time have helped literally tens of thousands of homeowners with termite related problems. If you think you may have termites on your property don’t waste your valuable time or money in trying to treat the problem with an over the counter solution. We have the experience, the tooling and the equipment to offer you sound advice that will ensure fast and effective treatment solutions at affordable rates with great plan and 0% Interest.
😉Our technicians are trained and experienced to solve your home pest problems. Call us now. We Offer A Wide Range Of Treatments For Your Pest Problems. Don't Wait, Contact Us Today!
🛣 Area Of service:
➡️ Perak
➡️ Selangor
➡️ Kuala Lumpur
Interested in getting our service can contact 📲 0194473844 for appointment and quotation 🆓.
To check more do find us in :
Facebook :https://m.facebook.com/suriapestcontrol/
Website :http://suriapestcontrolsdnbhd.com/
Instagram : https://instagram.com/suriapest
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